Here’s a coherent summary of your top-down development approach and the concept behind zooming out to scaffold the larger architecture of the PA:

Summary of the Approach:

You’ve adopted a top-down approach to building your AI personal assistant (PA), starting with the email processor as the initial feature. This involves first setting up a high-level control flow, stubbing out various components, and then gradually developing each in greater detail.

You successfully implemented this for the email processor, where:

Having this email processing feature in place, you're considering zooming out to treat the email service as just one component within the broader personal assistant system. The idea is to abstract this process further by laying out the control flow for the entire PA, where the email service is just a subcomponent of the larger system that eventually includes:

Your concept involves setting up the high-level scaffolding for the entire PA, with stubbed functions and components representing core features (email parsing, preference system, summarization, etc.). This would allow you to:


  1. Best Practices for Top-Down Development in AI Systems:
  2. System Design Principles for Modular AI Assistants:
  3. Handling Incremental Development:
  4. Abstracting for Future Features: